Thomas Ashmore 84761

M, #8476, b. 1845

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1845.1 
ConvictedConvicted of wounding with intent and sentenced to 15 years on 16 June 1862 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a carpenter on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8476 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted in 1870 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 25 October 1878 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for S.A. per Franklin on 26 July 1884.1,2 
Bio Mentioned in "Rica's Stories."3 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
LeftLeft for South Aust Index
Left the WA Colony Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeWounding
Last Edited16 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S76] Convicts Who Left From Albany, online,…
  3. [S38] Lenore Layman, Rica's Stories, pg 145.

Henry Abrahams 84771

M, #8477, b. 1839, d. 26 October 1910

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1839.1 
DeathHe died on 26 October 1910 at Wanneroo, Western Australia.2,3 
BurialHe was buried at Karrakatta Cemetery, Karrakatta, Western Australia. JO DA 3.2 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to 7 years on 8 June 1863 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a general dealer on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8477 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 28 April 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 9 June 1870 at Western Australia.1 
Bio He is mentioned in "Hebrew, Israelite, Jew."4 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
UpdatesConvicts Being Researched
West AustJewish Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited10 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S14] Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, online,
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 100509/1910.
  4. [S248] David Mossenson, Hebrew, Israelite, Jew, pg 251.

Thomas Allison 84781

M, #8478, b. 1841, d. 10 January 1893
Name-Change Thomas Allison 8478 was also known as Thomas Scaife 8478. 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1841.1 
DeathHe died on 10 January 1893 at Convict Establishment Hospital, Fremantle, Western Australia, inflammation of liver and gangrene of lungs aged 52.1,2,3 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery with violence and sentenced to 10 years on 9 July 1864 at Durham, Durham, England.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a groom on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8478 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 31 August 1868 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 28 March 1876 at Western Australia.1 
Bio He is mentioned in "Exploration Eastward ..."

He has a section in "From the Avon to the Irwin."4,5 
Research CWA has the wrong death date. 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited3 Nov 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S95] WA Police Gazettes, online, Inquest 1893 pg 13.
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 88/1893.
  4. [S167] Peter J. Bridge & Kim Epton, Exploration Eastwards 1860-1869, pg 422-483, 508.
  5. [S381] Anne Jeffreys, From the Avon to the Irwin - A Story of Two Valleys, pg 94-95.

David Atherton 84791

M, #8479, b. 1840, d. 24 April 1912

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1840.1 
DeathHe died on 24 April 1912 at York, Western Australia.1,2,3 
BurialHe was buried at York Cemetery, York, Western Australia.4 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery in a group with violence and sentenced to 10 years on 4 August 1864 at Liverpool, Lancashire, England.1 
OccupationRecorded as a grinder on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8479 on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 1 child as at 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 23 April 1870 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 21 October 1875 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceJohn Powell 8677
AccompliceChristopher Sharples 8706
AccompliceJames Smith 8707

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited11 Oct 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 7100013/1912.
  3. [S36] Jan James Collection held at FamilyHistoryWA,Bayswater, WA, York Deaths 1842-1935.
  4. [S36] Jan James Collection held at FamilyHistoryWA,Bayswater, WA, York Burials 1843-1935.

George Arabin 84801

M, #8480, b. 1840

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1840.1 
ConvictedConvicted of shop breaking and sentenced to 7 years on 19 October 1863 at Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8480 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 5 December 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 10 February 1872 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for Singapore per Eliza Blanche on 19 February 1872.1,2 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited24 Jul 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, General Register for Various Nos 1435-3784, Nos 8476-8770 (R12-R13)…

James Angell 84811

M, #8481, b. 1830, d. 11 March 1878
Name-Change James Angell 8481 was also known as James Angel 8481.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1830.1 
DeathHe died on 11 March 1878 at Colonial Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, heart disease aged 50.1,2 
BurialHe was buried on 12 March 1878 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.3 
ConvictedConvicted of firing a hay stack and sentenced to 8 years on 17 July 1863 at New Sarum, Wiltshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 3 children as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8481 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 8 October 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 21 December 1871 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
UpdatesRecent Changes
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Arson CrimeFiring a Stack
Last Edited12 Feb 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 9683/1878. Recorded as James Angel.
  3. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…

John Davis Bryan 84821

M, #8482, b. 1830, d. 16 April 1897
Name-Change John Davis Bryan 8482 was also known as John Bryant 8482. 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

Parents His parents were George Davis Bryant & Elizabeth.2 
BirthHe was born in 1830.1 
DeathHe died on 16 April 1897 at 35 George Street West Perth, Perth, Western Australia.3,4,5 
BurialHe was buried on 17 April 1897 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.3,6 
ConvictedConvicted of forgery of a note for goods and sentenced to 7 years on 26 October 1863 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 4 children as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a plumber on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8482 on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 14 August 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 5 April 1869 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 4 June 1872 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Forgery & Fraud CrimeForgery
Last Edited17 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Death Reg: 1846/1897.
  3. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 1846/1897. Recorded as John Davis Bryant.
  5. [S12] Trove, online,
  6. [S33] Find A Grave, online,…

David Buckley 84831

M, #8483, b. 1839, d. 29 August 1866

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1839.1 
DeathHe died on 29 August 1866 at Convict Establishment Hospital, Fremantle, Western Australia, phthisis.1,2,3,4,5 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery with violence and sentenced to 10 years on 11 April 1864 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a lighterman on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8483 on 22 December 1865.1 
AccompliceWilliam Burgess 8778

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited1 Jan 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, Register of Admissions and Discharges From Hospital, 1857 - 1886 (M32)…
  3. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 3311/1866.
  5. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, General Register for Various Nos 1435-3784, Nos 8476-8770 (R12-R13)…

Thomas Beeho 84841

M, #8484, b. 1836, d. 19 July 1893

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1836.1 
DeathHe died on 19 July 1893 at Fremantle, Western Australia, heart disease.1,2,3 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery with violence and sentenced to 10 years on 15 August 1864 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a clerk on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8484 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 6 May 1869 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 17 August 1877 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceHenry Dempsey 8535

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
UpdatesConvicts Being Researched
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited10 Oct 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 541/1893.
  3. [S12] Trove, online,

Edward Burns 84851

M, #8485, b. 1819, d. 7 January 1889

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1819.1 
DeathHe died on 7 January 1889 at Colonial Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, cystitis.1,2,3 
BurialHe was buried on 13 January 1889 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.4 
ConvictedConvicted of impersonating a stock owner for his own gain and sentenced to 7 years on 15 August 1864 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 6 children as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a tailor on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8485 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 23 June 1868 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 15 March 1872 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Forgery & Fraud CrimeFalse Pretences
Last Edited7 Oct 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 9/1889.
  3. [S12] Trove, online,
  4. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…

William Booth 84861

M, #8486, b. 1822, d. 25 July 1866

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1822.1 
DeathHe died on 25 July 1866 at Convict Establishment Hospital, Fremantle, Western Australia, influenza.1,2,3,4,5 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 10 years on 11 April 1864 at Nether Knutsford, Cheshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a sawyer; soldier on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8486 on 22 December 1865.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
MilitaryMilitary Convicted in a Civil Court
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited17 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, Register of Admissions and Discharges From Hospital, 1857 - 1886 (M32)…
  3. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 3263/1866.
  5. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, General Register for Various Nos 1435-3784, Nos 8476-8770 (R12-R13)…

Henry Brown 84871

M, #8487, b. 1828

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1828.1 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to 8 years on 4 March 1864 at Derby, Derbyshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a miner on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8487 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 19 July 1868 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 7 August 1872 at Western Australia.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 10189 on 5 July 1876.2 
ConvictedConvicted of stealing from the person and sentenced to 5 years on 5 July 1876 at Perth, Western Australia. He had been convicted previously.3 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
MultipleMultiple Convict No.s Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited12 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S7] Rica Erickson and Gillian O'Mara, Convicts in WA 1850-1887.
  3. [S12] Trove, online,

John Barton 84881

M, #8488, b. 1837, d. 4 March 1868

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1837.1 
DeathHe died on 4 March 1868 at Perth, Western Australia, fever.1,2,3,4,5 
BurialHe was buried circa 5 March 1868 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.2 
ConvictedConvicted of arson and sentenced to 12 years on 17 March 1864 at Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a miller on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8488 on 22 December 1865.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Arson CrimeArson
Last Edited17 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…
  3. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 3797/1868.
  5. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, General Register for Various Nos 1435-3784, Nos 8476-8770 (R12-R13)…

Thomas Broadley 84891

M, #8489, b. 1842

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1842.1 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery with violence and sentenced to 10 years on 26 July 1864 at Manchester, Lancashire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a miner on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8489 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 28 January 1870 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 29 April 1881 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited17 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

James Brown 84901

M, #8490, b. 1840, d. 9 March 1895

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1840.1 
DeathHe died on 9 March 1895 at Mount Eliza Invalid Depot, Perth, Western Australia, Debility.2,3,4 
BurialHe was buried circa 10 March 1895 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.2 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to 15 years on 4 August 1864 at Liverpool, Lancashire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a gardener on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8490 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 23 June 1872 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 1 April 1881 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited14 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 410/1895.
  4. [S12] Trove, online,

James Best 84911

M, #8491, b. 1838
Name-Change James Best 8491 was also known as James McNair 8491.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1838.1 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 14 years on 5 October 1863 at Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8491 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 4 March 1871 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 17 June 1879 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited14 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Thomas Blackburn 84921

M, #8492, b. 1826, d. 2 April 1868

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1826.1 
DeathHe died on 2 April 1868 at Convict Establishment Hospital, Fremantle, Western Australia, phthisis.1,2,3,4,5 
ConvictedConvicted of house breaking and sentenced to 10 years on 20 June 1864 at Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 1 child as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a printer on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8492 on 22 December 1865.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited17 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, Register of Admissions and Discharges From Hospital, 1857 - 1886 (M32)…
  3. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 3883/1868.
  5. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, General Register for Various Nos 1435-3784, Nos 8476-8770 (R12-R13)…

Thomas Brown 84931

M, #8493, b. 1842

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1842.1 
ConvictedConvicted of arson and sentenced to 8 years on 15 July 1863 at Newtown, Montgomeryshire, Wales.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8493 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 2 February 1868 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 19 September 1871 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
Where ConvictedWales (256)
Arson CrimeArson
Last Edited17 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Charles Bailey 84941

M, #8494, b. 1835

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

Charles Bailey 8494 (Photo: SROWA Cons 4173/1)
BirthHe was born in 1835.1 
ConvictedConvicted of assault & robbery and sentenced to 10 years on 21 July 1864 at Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8494 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 29 September 1870 at Western Australia.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 10291 on 25 November 1874.2 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 25 November 1874 at Western Australia.1 
ConvictedConvicted of stealing a cheque and sentenced to 3 years on 7 April 1880 at Perth, Western Australia. He had been convicted previously.3 
Bio He has a page in "Australia's Last Convicts."4 
Research CWA has the wrong convict no. for his reconviction.2 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
MultipleMultiple Convict No.s Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited24 Jul 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, Estimates and Convict Lists (128/1 - 32)…
  3. [S12] Trove, online,
  4. [S34] Lorraine Clark and Cherie Strickland, Australia's Last Convicts, pg 2.

Henry Bennett 84951

M, #8495, b. 1832, d. 30 May 1884

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1832.1 
DeathHe died on 30 May 1884 at Arthur River, Western Australia, fractured skull from being thrown from a horse.1,2,3,4 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 10 years on 5 January 1863 at Stafford, Staffordshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a shoemaker; soldier on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8495 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 17 February 1868 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 8 October 1870 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
MilitaryMilitary Convicted in a Civil Court
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited24 Jul 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S95] WA Police Gazettes, online, Inquest 1884 pg 100.
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 12874/1884.
  4. [S12] Trove, online, h

Henry Bishop 84961

M, #8496, b. 1843

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1843.1 
ConvictedConvicted of shooting with intent and sentenced to 10 years on 3 August 1864 at Wells, Somerset, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8496 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 2 May 1869 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 7 August 1874 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for N.S.W. per Teresa on 2 March 1875.1,2 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeFirearms Offences
Last Edited17 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S76] Convicts Who Left From Albany, online,…

Charles Burt 84971

M, #8497, b. 1826, d. 3 May 1887

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1826.1 
DeathHe died on 3 May 1887 at Convict Establishment Hospital, Fremantle, Western Australia, disease of the liver.1,2,3 
ConvictedConvicted of firing a hay stack and sentenced to 7 years on 3 August 1864 at Wells, Somerset, England.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a carter on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8497 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 8 June 1868 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 23 March 1870 at Western Australia.1,4 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 20 November 1871 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Arson CrimeFiring a Stack
Last Edited24 Jul 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S95] WA Police Gazettes, online, Inquest 1887 pg 87.
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 294/1887.
  4. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, General Register for Various Nos 1435-3784, Nos 8476-8770 (R12-R13)…

Thomas Bowsteed 84981

M, #8498, b. 1841, d. 6 May 1868
Name-Change Thomas Bowsteed 8498 was also known as Thomas Bowstead 8498.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1841.1 
DeathHe died on 6 May 1868 at Perth Gaol Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, fever aged 27.1,2,3,4 
ConvictedConvicted of shooting with intent and sentenced to 20 years on 21 March 1864 at Lewes, Sussex, England.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8498 on 22 December 1865.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeFirearms Offences
Last Edited17 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 3872/1868. Recorded as Thomas Bowstead.
  4. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, General Register for Various Nos 1435-3784, Nos 8476-8770 (R12-R13)…

James Bailey 84991

M, #8499, b. 1843

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1843.1 
ConvictedConvicted of receiving stolen goods and sentenced to 8 years on 28 June 1864 at Warwick, Warwickshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
OccupationRecorded as a bricklayer on 22 December 1865.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8499 on 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 1 child as at 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 11 September 1868 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 8 August 1870 at Western Australia.1,2 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 27 July 1872 at Western Australia.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 10167 on 6 October 1875.3 
ConvictedConvicted of stealing a watch and sentenced to 5 years on 6 October 1875 at Perth, Western Australia. He had been convicted previously.4 
AccompliceCharles Smitten 8715
AccompliceThomas Walker 8745
AccompliceDavid Lockley 8919
AccompliceElijah Warom 9041

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
UpdatesRecent Changes
MultipleMultiple Convict No.s Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesReceiving
Last Edited15 Feb 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, General Register for Various Nos 1435-3784, Nos 8476-8770 (R12-R13)…
  3. [S7] Rica Erickson and Gillian O'Mara, Convicts in WA 1850-1887.
  4. [S12] Trove, online,

Joseph Broadhead 85001

M, #8500, b. 1846

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1846.1 
ConvictedConvicted of wounding with intent and sentenced to 7 years on 6 August 1864 at Leeds, Yorkshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 22 December 1865.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 22 December 1865.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 22 December 1865.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Vimeira arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 December 1865. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 8500 on 22 December 1865.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 28 February 1868 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 5 February 1870 at Western Australia.1,2 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 19 February 1872 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsVimeira Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeWounding
Last Edited24 Jul 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, General Register for Various Nos 1435-3784, Nos 8476-8770 (R12-R13)…