Eli Prim 78261

M, #7826, b. 1841, d. 5 May 1918

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1841.1 
DeathHe died on 5 May 1918 at Perth, Western Australia.2,3,4 
BurialHe was buried at Karrakatta Cemetery, Karrakatta, Western Australia. ANG BC 58.2 
ConvictedConvicted of house breaking and sentenced to 10 years on 6 October 1862 at Birmingham, Warwickshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 1 child as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a Lithograph printer on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7826 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 3 May 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 4 February 1878 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited3 Feb 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S14] Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, online ww2.mcb.wa.gov.au/NameSearch, https://portal.mcb.wa.gov.au/name-search/ns-detail/
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 100438/1918.
  4. [S12] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/57992708

James Rankin 78271

M, #7827, b. 1840

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1840.1 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to 6 years on 14 August 1862 at Liverpool, Lancashire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer; shoemaker on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7827 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 27 July 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 31 July 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 2 December 1868 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for N.S.W per Talbot on 19 October 1872.1,2 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited1 Feb 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S76] Convicts Who Left From Albany, online ancestry.com, https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/60668/…

William Nichol Rayne 78281

M, #7828, b. 1837, d. 23 March 1908

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1837.1 
DeathHe died on 23 March 1908 at Claremont, Western Australia.2,3 
BurialHe was buried at Karrakatta Cemetery, Karrakatta, Western Australia. RC BB 168.2 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 7 years on 15 October 1862 at Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a bricklayer on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7828 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 16 August 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 18 December 1869 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited3 Feb 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S14] Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, online ww2.mcb.wa.gov.au/NameSearch, https://portal.mcb.wa.gov.au/name-search/ns-detail/
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 1600040/1908.

James Raftree 78291

M, #7829, b. 1836, d. 9 September 1899
Name-Change James Raftree 7829 was also known as James Rafter 7829. 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1836.1 
DeathHe died on 9 September 1899 at Lawlers, Western Australia.2,3 
ConvictedConvicted of desertion & taking necessories (Court Martial) and sentenced to 6 years on 3 December 1861 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a basketmaker; soldier on 13 April 1864.1 
Physical Desc.Recorded with the physical attributes: Scar over left eye, ditto right cheek bone, letter D left side on 13 April 1864.4 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7829 on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 9 October 1864 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 2 December 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Bio Recorded as having worked at "The Bowes."5 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
MilitaryMilitary Court Martial
Branded D for Deserter
Where ConvictedCanada (129)
Military CrimeDesertion
Last Edited25 Nov 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S22] Outback Family History, online www.outbackfamilyhistory.com.au/, https://www.outbackfamilyhistory.com.au/records/record.php
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 1370/1899.
  4. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, Estimates and Convict Lists (128/1 - 32)
  5. [S383] Sue White, The Bowes - A Little Piece of Heaven, pg 301.

Thomas Redshaw 78301

M, #7830, b. 1842, d. 31 August 1887

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1842.1 
DeathHe died on 31 August 1887 at Gordon River, Albany, Western Australia, found dead with gunshot wound.1,2,3,4,5 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery with violence and sentenced to 20 years on 24 November 1862 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a butcher on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7830 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 7 June 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 22 December 1882 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceJames Harcourt Dixon 7677

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
West AustAlbany Related
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited8 Oct 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S95] WA Police Gazettes, online slwa.wa.gov.au/collections/collections/police-gazettes, Inquest 1887 pg 155.
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 509/1887.
  4. [S12] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/3766442
  5. [S286] Albany Death Records 1848-1888, online familysearch.org, Image 14

George Reeves 78311

M, #7831, b. 1835
Name-Change George Reeves 7831 was also known as Alfred Cotton 7831.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1835.1 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to life on 6 January 1862 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a cook on 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7831 on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 8 February 1868 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 15 April 1874 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceThomas Puzey 7508

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited28 Dec 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

James Reilly 78321

M, #7832, b. 1832

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1832 at Ireland.1,2 
ConvictedConvicted of house breaking and sentenced to 8 years on 15 September 1862 at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a shoemaker on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7832 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 30 July 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 6 April 1868 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 10 October 1870 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
West AustAlbany Related
Where ConvictedScotland (852)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited1 Jan 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S124] Scottish Indexes, online scottichindexes.com, https://www.scottishindexes.com/jcdetail.aspx

George Rhodes 78331

M, #7833, b. 1841, d. 8 September 1921

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

George Rhodes 7833 (Photo: SROWA Cons 4173/1)
Parents His parents were George Rhodes & Sarah Fellows.2 
BirthHe was born in 1841 at England.1 
DeathHe died on 8 September 1921 at Claremont, Western Australia.3,4 
BurialHe was buried at Karrakatta Cemetery, Karrakatta, Western Australia. ANG DC 159.3 
ConvictedConvicted of stealing a box and sentenced to 7 years on 6 October 1862 at Birmingham, Warwickshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7833 on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 4 September 1865 at Western Australia.1 
ExpiredHis sentence expired on 5 October 1869 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 23 May 1870 at Western Australia.1 
Bio He has a page in "Australia's Last Convicts."5 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesStealing
Last Edited31 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Death Reg: 101198/1921.
  3. [S14] Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, online ww2.mcb.wa.gov.au/NameSearch, https://portal.mcb.wa.gov.au/name-search/ns-detail/
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 101198/1921.
  5. [S34] Lorraine Clark and Cherie Strickland, Australia's Last Convicts, pg 50.

George Roberts 78341

M, #7834, b. 1843

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

George Roberts 7834 (Photo: SROWA Cons 4173/10)
BirthHe was born in 1843.1 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 6 years on 19 January 1863 at Newington, Surrey, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a baker on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7834 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 30 October 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 26 July 1871 at Western Australia.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 10337 on 3 October 1883.2 
ConvictedConvicted of stealing a coat and sentenced to 5 years on 3 October 1883 at Perth, Western Australia. He had been convicted previously.3 
Bio He has a page in "Australia's Last Convicts."4 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
MultipleMultiple Convict No.s Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited29 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S7] Rica Erickson and Gillian O'Mara, Convicts in WA 1850-1887.
  3. [S12] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/65937530
  4. [S34] Lorraine Clark and Cherie Strickland, Australia's Last Convicts, pg 53.

George Robinson 78351

M, #7835, b. 1836, d. 4 February 1897

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1836.1 
DeathHe died on 4 February 1897 at Geraldton, Western Australia.2,3,4,5 
BurialHe was buried on 5 February 1897 at Geraldton Cemetery, Geraldton, Western Australia.5 
ConvictedConvicted of pick pocket and sentenced to 7 years on 5 January 1863 at Manchester, Lancashire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a fustian cutter on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7835 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 9 November 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 23 December 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 4 January 1870 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesPickpocket
Last Edited31 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S95] WA Police Gazettes, online slwa.wa.gov.au/collections/collections/police-gazettes, Inquest 1897 pg 52.
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 1255/1897.
  4. [S12] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/252770396
  5. [S45] Midwest Death Register, online midwestwaheritage.com/midwest-death-register/, https://midwestwaheritage.com/result/?id=18653

William Ridsdale 78361

M, #7836, b. 1838

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1838.1 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery with violence and sentenced to 15 years on 11 December 1862 at Chester, Cheshire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 1 child as at 13 April 1864.1,2 
OccupationRecorded as a confectioner on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7836 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 13 April 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 20 August 1872 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 10 December 1877 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited4 Feb 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S84] Records of the Colonial Office, online nla.gov.au/nla.obj-728202615/findingaid#nla-obj-728207492, https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2054397140/view

Thomas Rose 78371

M, #7837, b. 1833, d. 23 September 1871
Name-Change Thomas Rose 7837 was also known as Thomas Fitzgerald 7837.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1833.1 
DeathHe died on 23 September 1871 at timber camp, Rockingham, Western Australia, natural causes.1,2 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 6 years on 15 October 1862 at Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a groom on 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7837 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 13 June 1865 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited4 Feb 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, General Register, 1850 - 1868 (R21b)

Peter Rourke 78381

M, #7838, b. 1835

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1835.1 
ConvictedConvicted of felony (Court Martial) and sentenced to 6 years on 26 August 1862 at Bangalore, India. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a tanner and currier; soldier on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7838 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 4 April 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 21 January 1873 at Western Australia.1,2 
LeftHe left the colony for S.A. per Emily Smith on 10 October 1876.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
LeftLeft for South Aust Index
Left the WA Colony Index
MultipleTransported Twice
MilitaryMilitary Court Martial
Where ConvictedIndia (136)
Theft CrimesFelony
Last Edited4 Feb 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S156] Brian Purdue, Convicts Who Left The Colony, Police Gazette 1877 pg 12.

William Rowlands 78391

M, #7839, b. 1839, d. 26 December 1874

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1839.1 
DeathHe died on 26 December 1874 at Dongara, Western Australia, suicide.1,2,3,4 
BurialHe was buried on 26 December 1874 at Irwin Cemetery, Dongara, Western Australia.4 
ConvictedConvicted of attempted murder and sentenced to life on 23 December 1862 at Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Wales.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a cloth weaver on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7839 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 3 May 1868 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceWilliam Stuart 8122

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
UpdatesRecent Changes
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedWales (256)
Violent CrimeAttempted Murder
Last Edited9 Feb 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 8207/1874.
  3. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, General Register, 1850 - 1868 (R21b)
  4. [S45] Midwest Death Register, online midwestwaheritage.com/midwest-death-register/, https://midwestwaheritage.com/result/?id=14508

Charles Rutter 78401

M, #7840, b. 1835

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1835.1 
ConvictedConvicted of possession of housebreaking tools and sentenced to 10 years on 6 October 1862 at Birmingham, Warwickshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer; bailiff on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7840 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 9 August 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 14 February 1873 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for England per Helena Mena on 5 January 1887.1,2 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited12 Apr 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S95] WA Police Gazettes, online slwa.wa.gov.au/collections/collections/police-gazettes, 1887 pg 28.

Thomas Ryan 78411

M, #7841, b. 1835, d. 22 October 1882

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1835.1 
DeathHe died on 22 October 1882 at Lunatic Asylum, Fremantle, Western Australia, in Asylum from 1873.1,2,3 
ConvictedConvicted of stealing a coat and sentenced to 8 years on 21 July 1862 at Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a carpenter on 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7841 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 5 September 1865 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesStealing
Last Edited1 Feb 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, General Register, 1850 - 1868 (R21b)
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 11536/1882.

John Scott 78421

M, #7842, b. 1832

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1832.1 
ConvictedConvicted of receiving stolen goods and sentenced to 6 years on 12 July 1862 at York, Yorkshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a pudler on 13 April 1864.1 
Physical Desc.Recorded with the physical attributes: D left side, scar right side forehead, J S and sun left arm on 13 April 1864.2 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7842 on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 3 April 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 9 April 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 27 October 1868 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
MilitaryEx Military Convicted in a Civil Court
Branded D for Deserter
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesReceiving
Last Edited31 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, Estimates and Convict Lists (128/1 - 32)

Joseph Shields 78431

M, #7843, b. 1836

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1836 at County Tyrone, Ireland.1 
ConvictedConvicted of insubordination (Court Martial) and sentenced to 11 years on 5 March 1862 at Bombay, India.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a tailor; soldier on 13 April 1864.1 
Physical Desc.Recorded with the physical attributes: Letter D left side, scar on top of head on 13 April 1864.2 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7843 on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 1 March 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 19 May 1874 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
MilitaryMilitary Court Martial
Branded D for Deserter
Where ConvictedIndia (136)
Military CrimeOther Military
Last Edited31 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, Estimates and Convict Lists (128/1 - 32)

Charles Henry Shires 78441

M, #7844, b. 1842, d. 31 October 1901

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1842.1 
DeathHe died on 31 October 1901 at Northampton, Western Australia.2,3,4 
BurialHe was buried on 2 November 1901 at Northampton Old Catholic Cemetery, Northampton, Western Australia.5,2 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 8 years on 28 August 1862 at Wakefield, Yorkshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a miner on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7844 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 14 September 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 20 December 1870 at Western Australia.1 
Bio Recorded as having worked at "The Bowes."6 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
UpdatesConvicts Being Researched
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited25 Nov 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S45] Midwest Death Register, online midwestwaheritage.com/midwest-death-register/, https://midwestwaheritage.com/result/?id=15640
  3. [S12] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/258554244
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 1652/1901.
  5. [S33] Find A Grave, online findagrave.com, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/230038277/…
  6. [S383] Sue White, The Bowes - A Little Piece of Heaven, pg 302.

James Shepherd 78451

M, #7845, b. 1842

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1842.1 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery with violence and sentenced to 6 years on 12 July 1862 at York, Yorkshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a pudler on 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7845 on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 4 April 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 24 September 1868 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for Mauritius per Eagle Wing on 16 October 1877.1,2 
AccompliceJames King 7755

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
UpdatesRecent Changes
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited7 Feb 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S156] Brian Purdue, Convicts Who Left The Colony, Police Gazette 1878 pg 130.

Francis Stephen Simpson 78461

M, #7846, b. 1830, d. 1 January 1869

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1830.1 
DeathHe died on 1 January 1869 at Convict Establishment Hospital, Fremantle, Western Australia, typhoid.1,2,3,4 
ConvictedConvicted of forgery and sentenced to 20 years on 18 August 1862 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 1 child as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a wine merchant on 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7846 on 13 April 1864.1 
Research #7846 & #7847 are not brothers. They have different mothers. 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Forgery & Fraud CrimeForgery
Last Edited24 May 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, Register of Admissions and Discharges From Hospital, 1857 - 1886 https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/60668/…
  3. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, General Register, 1850 - 1868 (R21b)
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 104113/1869. Recorded as Francis Stephen Simpson.

Thomas Simpson 78471

M, #7847, b. 1843, d. 6 November 1885

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1843.1 
DeathHe died on 6 November 1885 at Lunatic Asylum, Fremantle, Western Australia.1,2,3,4 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to 6 years on 3 March 1862 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer; gardener on 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7847 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 22 December 1864 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 26 January 1869 at Western Australia.1 
Bio Mentioned in "F.F.B. Wittenoom ..."5 
Research #7846 & #7847 are not brothers. They have different mothers. 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited24 May 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S95] WA Police Gazettes, online slwa.wa.gov.au/collections/collections/police-gazettes, Inquest 1885 pg 185.
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 13564/1886.
  4. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, General Register, 1850 - 1868 (R21b)
  5. [S63] Catherine Cameron, Frederick Francis Burdett Wittenoom Pastoral Pioneer & Explorer 1855-1939, pgs 15, 51-52.

William Slaney 78481

M, #7848, b. 1836

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1836.1 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 8 years on 5 January 1863 at Stafford, Staffordshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a stonemason on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7848 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 5 February 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 11 July 1871 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for England per Zephyr on 14 January 1875.1 
Bio Mentioned in "The Hampton Hotel Diary."2 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited19 Apr 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S145] Gary Martin, The Hampton Hotel Diary, pg 47.

Charles Smith 78491

M, #7849, b. 1832

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1832.1 
ConvictedConvicted of assault with intent to rob and sentenced to 10 years on 14 October 1862 at Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was widower 2 children as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a stonemason on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7849 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 13 March 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 17 July 1869 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 31 October 1872 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for Venice per S.S. Assam on 9 October 1878.1,2 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited12 Apr 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S156] Brian Purdue, Convicts Who Left The Colony, Police Gazette 1879 pg 12.

Charles Smith 78501

M, #7850, b. 1842

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1842.1 
ConvictedConvicted of arson and sentenced to 6 years on 6 March 1862 at York, Yorkshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 13 April 1864.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 13 April 1864.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 13 April 1864.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Clara II arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 13 April 1864. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7850 on 13 April 1864.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 24 December 1864 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 7 September 1868 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsClara II Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Arson CrimeArson
Last Edited31 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.