Joseph Ledger Sowden 75511

M, #7551, b. 1829, d. 29 June 1895
Name-Change Joseph Ledger Sowden 7551 was also known as Joseph Sowden Ledger 7551.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1829.1 
DeathHe died on 29 June 1895 at Perth, Western Australia.1,2 
BurialHe was buried on 30 June 1895 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia. Grave No. 614.3
ConvictedConvicted of robbery with violence and sentenced to 10 years on 12 July 1862 at York, Yorkshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a nailmaker; blacksmith on 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7551 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 26 October 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 11 July 1872 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 11 August 1875 at Western Australia.1 
Bio Joseph was the subject of the 2021 RWAHS Annual Pioneers Memorial Service Citation at East Perth Cemetery. You can view or download the citation written by Sue Hobson here

The book "Cast Iron Pillar Boxes of Western Australia" by Sue Hobson is about Joseph and the business that he founded.4 
Research CWA has the wrong death date. 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
UpdatesConvicts Being Researched
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited4 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S12] Trove, online,
  3. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…
  4. [S247] Sue Hobson, Cast Iron Pillar Boxes of Western Australia : an early history of the J & E Ledger foundry.

George Smith 75521

M, #7552, b. 1830

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1830.1 
ConvictedConvicted of shooting & wounding with intent and sentenced to life on 9 July 1861 at York, Yorkshire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 2 children as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a carpet weaver on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7552 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 20 July 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 22 June 1874 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeWounding
Last Edited17 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Moses Stansfield 75531

M, #7553, b. 1830, d. 1 June 1905
Name-Change Moses Stansfield 7553 was also known as Moses Stanfield 7553. 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

Family LinkMoses Stansfield 7553 and John Stansfield 7550 were brothers. 
BirthHe was born in 1830.1 
DeathHe died on 1 June 1905 at Bunbury, Western Australia.2,3 
ConvictedConvicted of wounding with intent and sentenced to 12 years on 12 July 1862 at York, Yorkshire, England.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 28 December 1863.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7553 on 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 28 June 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 18 August 1871 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 22 August 1874 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceJohn Stansfield 7550
AccompliceJoseph Tattersall 7570
Bio Mentioned in "Just a Horse Ride Away."4 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
UpdatesConvicts Being Researched
FamilyFamily Members Convicts
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeWounding
Last Edited30 Jul 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S12] Trove, online,
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 2882/1905. Recorded as Moses Stanfield.
  4. [S161] Diana Chase & Valerie Krantz, Just A Horse Ride Away - A History of the Shire of Capel and it's People, pgs 80, 85.

Joseph Skillen 75541

M, #7554, b. 1832

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1832 at Belfast, Antrim, Ireland.1,2 
ConvictedConvicted of theft and sentenced to 8 years on 25 April 1862 at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 4 children as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a watchglass maker on 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7554 on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 16 January 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 6 June 1868 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceJames Keenan 7178

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
Where ConvictedScotland (852)
Theft CrimesTheft
Last Edited30 Dec 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S124] Scottish Indexes, online,

William Skelly 75561

M, #7556, b. 1836, d. 7 July 1902
Name-Change William Skelly 7556 was also known as William Kelly 7556. 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

William Skelly 7556 (Photo: SROWA Con 4173/8)
BirthHe was born in 1836.1 
DeathHe died on 7 July 1902 at Mount Eliza Invalid Depot, Perth, Western Australia.2,3,4 
BurialHe was buried at Karrakatta Cemetery, Karrakatta, Western Australia. ANG DC 46.2 
ConvictedConvicted of assault & robbery (Court Martial) and sentenced to 7 years on 31 August 1861 at Lucknow, India.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer; collier; soldier on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7556 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 5 September 1864 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 30 September 1868 at Western Australia.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 10416 on 4 July 1889.5 
ConvictedConvicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 15 years on 4 July 1889 at Perth, Western Australia. He had been convicted previously.6,7 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 4 May 1893 at Western Australia.5 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 4 July 1896 at Western Australia.5 
Bio He has a page in "Australia's Last Convicts."8 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
MultipleMultiple Convict No.s Index
MilitaryMilitary Court Martial
Where ConvictedIndia (136)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited4 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S14] Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, online,
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 2187/1902.
  4. [S12] Trove, online,
  5. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, General Register for Various Nos 3844-10604 (R23)…
  6. [S12] Trove, online,
  7. [S12] Trove, online,
  8. [S34] Lorraine Clark and Cherie Strickland, Australia's Last Convicts, pg 58.

Michael Shaughnessy 75571

M, #7557, b. 1840

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1840.1 
ConvictedConvicted of insubordination & violence (Court Martial) and sentenced to 10 years on 10 September 1861 at Hazareebaugh, Inda. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a carpenter; soldier on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7557 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 24 September 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 9 June 1869 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
MilitaryMilitary Court Martial
Where ConvictedIndia (136)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited19 Aug 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Patrick Swift 75581

M, #7558, b. 1830

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1830.1 
ConvictedConvicted of violence to his officer (Court Martial) and sentenced to 7 years on 24 October 1861 at Shahjahanpur, India.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer; tanner; soldier on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7558 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 4 December 1864 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 27 July 1871 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
MilitaryMilitary Court Martial
Where ConvictedIndia (136)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited12 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

John Shaw 75591

M, #7559, b. 1837, d. 7 November 1870

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1837.1 
DeathHe died on 7 November 1870 at Mason's Landing, Cannington, Western Australia, heart disease.1,2 
BurialHe was buried on 8 November 1870 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.3 
ConvictedConvicted of threatening language (Court Martial) and sentenced to 10 years on 19 July 1862 at Toronto, Ontario, Canada.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a farrier; blacksmith; soldier on 28 December 1863.1 
Physical Desc.Recorded with the physical attributes: Coal cut on right and left shoulder, letter D right and left side on 28 December 1863.4 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7559 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 14 October 1865 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
MilitaryMilitary Court Martial
Branded D for Deserter
Where ConvictedCanada (129)
Military CrimeOther Military
Last Edited6 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, General Register, 1850 - 1868 (R21b)…
  3. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…
  4. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, Estimates and Convict Lists (128/1 - 32)…

William Smith 75601

M, #7560, b. 1833

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1833.1 
ConvictedConvicted of forgery and sentenced to 12 years on 22 March 1862 at Warwick, Warwickshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a brass founder on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7560 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 October 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 17 April 1871 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 1 April 1874 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Forgery & Fraud CrimeForgery
Last Edited17 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Thomas Thompson 75611

M, #7561, b. 1832

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1832.1 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary & wounding and sentenced to 20 years on 9 July 1861 at York, Yorkshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a platelayer; labourer on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7561 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 14 July 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 2 November 1874 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeWounding
Last Edited17 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

William Taylor 75621

M, #7562, b. 1833, d. 18 October 1876

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1833.1 
DeathHe died on 18 October 1876 at Fremantle, Western Australia.1,2,3,4 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to 8 years on 23 September 1861 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 1 child as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7562 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 6 January 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 16 December 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 15 October 1870 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited6 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S95] WA Police Gazettes, online, Inquest 1876 pg 139.
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 9054/1876.
  4. [S12] Trove, online,

Alfred Thompson 75631

M, #7563, b. 1836

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1836.1 
ConvictedConvicted of being at large and sentenced to 6 years on 16 December 1861 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a waiter; sailor on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7563 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 30 September 1864 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 9 July 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 1 November 1871 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Other CrimesReturning from Transportation
Last Edited7 Oct 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Charles Turnbull 75641

M, #7564, b. 1832

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1832.1 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 10 years on 12 May 1862 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married s as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a waterman on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being 21.10.1865 as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7564 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 24 December 1869 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 10 June 1872 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for S.A. per Otway on 27 September 1878.1,2 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
LeftLeft for South Aust Index
Left the WA Colony Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited17 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S76] Convicts Who Left From Albany, online,…

Thomas Tomlinson 75651

M, #7565, b. 1841, d. 1891

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1841.1 
DeathHe died in 1891 at Brockman, Tom Price, Western Australia.2 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 6 years on 12 May 1862 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer; bookbinder on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7565 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 11 March 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 26 January 1869 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited6 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 436/1891.

William Thompson 75661

M, #7566, b. 1829
Name-Change William Thompson 7566 was also known as William Parr 7566.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1829.1 
ConvictedConvicted of firing a stack and sentenced to 14 years on 20 March 1862 at Liverpool, Lancashire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7566 on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 8 July 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 16 January 1872 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceDaniel O'Hare 7223

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
UpdatesRecent Changes
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Arson CrimeFiring a Stack
Last Edited7 Feb 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

James Taylor 75671

M, #7567, b. 1839

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1839.1 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery and sentenced to 15 years on 14 August 1862 at Liverpool, Lancashire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a carpenter on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7567 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 3 June 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 12 November 1873 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for England on 4 January 1874.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesRobbery
Last Edited16 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Henry Toombs 75681

M, #7568, b. 1818
Name-Change Henry Toombs 7568 was also known as Henry Tooms 7568. 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1818.1 
ConvictedConvicted of forgery and sentenced to 8 years on 5 December 1861 at Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 7 children as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a police superintendent on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7568 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 27 January 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Free PardonHis Free Pardon was granted on 16 July 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Bio The Western Ancestor article "An Epworth Policeman" is about him.2 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Forgery & Fraud CrimeForgery
Last Edited12 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S242] "An Epworth Policeman."

Samuel Thompson 75691

M, #7569, b. 1839, d. circa 17 July 1898

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

Parents His parents were Samuel Thompson & Anna.2 
BirthHe was born in 1839 at Ireland.1 
DeathHe died circa 17 July 1898 at Helena Vale, Western Australia.3,4 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery with violence and sentenced to 12 years on 8 August 1862 at Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a miner on 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7569 on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 6 June 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 23 May 1871 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 3 July 1874 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
UpdatesConvicts Being Researched
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited29 Apr 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Death Reg: 2609/1898.
  3. [S12] Trove, online,
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 2609/1898.

Joseph Tattersall 75701

M, #7570, b. 1836

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1836.1 
ConvictedConvicted of wounding with intent and sentenced to 12 years on 12 July 1862 at York, Yorkshire, England.1 
OccupationRecorded as a miner on 28 December 1863.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portsmouth prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7570 on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 14 November 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 18 September 1871 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for England on 7 December 1874.1 
AccompliceJohn Stansfield 7550
AccompliceMoses Stansfield 7553

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeWounding
Last Edited30 Jul 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

William Thompson 75711

M, #7571, b. 1839

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1839.1 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 6 years on 10 March 1862 at Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a shoemaker on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7571 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 30 November 1864 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 12 November 1866 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited17 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

John Taylor 75721

M, #7572, b. 1840, d. 5 February 1918

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

John Taylor 7572 (Photo: georgerichards56)
BirthHe was born in 1840 at Scotland.1 
DeathHe died on 5 February 1918 at Geraldton, Western Australia.2,3 
BurialHe was buried at Geraldton Cemetery, Geraldton, Western Australia.4 
ConvictedConvicted of assault & robbery and sentenced to 10 years on 16 April 1862 at Perth, Perthshire, Scotland.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer; seaman on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7572 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 28 February 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 18 December 1869 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 8 May 1872 at Western Australia.1 
Bio Recorded as having worked at "The Bowes."5 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
UpdatesConvicts Being Researched
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedScotland (852)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited25 Nov 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S12] Trove, online,
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 2900009/1918.
  4. [S33] Find A Grave, online,
  5. [S383] Sue White, The Bowes - A Little Piece of Heaven, pg 303.

Charles Thompson 75731

M, #7573, b. 1841

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1841.1 
ConvictedConvicted of wounding with intent and sentenced to 8 years on 12 July 1862 at York, Yorkshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a ship carpenter; baker on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7573 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 6 March 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 2 September 1869 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeWounding
Last Edited17 Jan 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Anthony Upperton 75741

M, #7574, b. 1829, d. 30 March 1889

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1829 at Ireland.1 
DeathHe died on 30 March 1889 at Upper Irwin, Western Australia, died at Thundelara supposedly of ruptured blood vessel.1 
ConvictedConvicted of desertion (Court Martial) and sentenced to 8 years on 1 July 1862 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer; soldier on 28 December 1863.1 
Physical Desc.Recorded with the physical attributes: Two letters D left side on 28 December 1863.2 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7574 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 12 August 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 14 June 1869 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 15 March 1873 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
MilitaryMilitary Court Martial
Branded D for Deserter
Where ConvictedCanada (129)
Military CrimeDesertion
Last Edited16 Mar 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, Estimates and Convict Lists (128/1 - 32)…

Albert Vass 75751

M, #7575, b. 1839
Name-Change Albert Vass 7575 was also known as Albert Wass 7575. 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1839 at Kent, England.1 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery with violence and sentenced to 10 years on 25 July 1862 at Maidstone, Kent, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 28 December 1863.1 
OccupationRecorded as a groom; servant; soldier on 28 December 1863.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 28 December 1863.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Lord Dalhousie arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 28 December 1863. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 7575 on 28 December 1863.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 3 May 1866 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 18 July 1870 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for Mauritius per Rio on 18 April 1872.1 
Bio Recorded as having worked at "The Bowes."2 

Found in These Indexes

ConvictsLord Dalhousie Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
MultipleTransported Twice
MilitaryEx Military Convicted in a Civil Court
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited25 Nov 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S383] Sue White, The Bowes - A Little Piece of Heaven, pg 304.