John White 46511

M, #4651, b. 1820, d. 21 October 1889
Name-Change John White 4651 was also known as John Barry 4651.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1820.1 
DeathHe died on 21 October 1889 at Convict Establishment Hospital, Fremantle, Western Australia, pauper reg: 522/1889.1,2,3 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to 20 years on 30 July 1856 at Monmouth, Monmouthshire, Wales. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was widower 1 child as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4651 on 1 January 1858.1 
IllnessHe was admitted to hospital for treatment of vertigo & delusions on 10 March 1860 at Fremantle, Western Australia. He was discharged to works as "well" 22.3.1860.4 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 14 May 1861 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 14 February 1872 at Western Australia.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 10077 on 6 September 1872.5 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to 5 years on 6 September 1872 at Perth, Western Australia. He had been convicted previously.6 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 8 September 1876 at Western Australia.5 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 6 October 1877 at Western Australia.5 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
MultipleMultiple Convict No.s Index
Where ConvictedWales (256)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited29 Aug 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online,…
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online
  4. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  5. [S7] Rica Erickson and Gillian O'Mara, Convicts in WA 1850-1887.
  6. [S12] Trove, online,

Thomas Plimmer 46521

M, #4652, b. 1817, d. 2 May 1884
Name-Change Thomas Plimmer 4652 was also known as Thomas Plemer 4652. 
Name-Change Thomas Plimmer 4652 was also known as Thomas Plummer 4652.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1817.1 
DeathHe died on 2 May 1884 at Perth, Western Australia, Old Age.2,3 
BurialHe was buried circa 3 May 1884 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.2 
ConvictedConvicted of bestiality and sentenced to 15 years on 11 March 1854 at Stafford, Staffordshire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a farm labourer on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4652 on 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 17 February 1860 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 4 October 1862 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Sex CrimeBeastiality
Last Edited6 Aug 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 12523/1884. Recorded as Thomas Plemer.

Thomas Wilson 46531

M, #4653, b. 1818, d. 18 October 1879

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1818.1 
DeathHe died on 18 October 1879 at Greenough, Western Australia.1,2,3 
BurialHe was buried on 20 October 1879 at Greenough Cemetery, Greenough, Western Australia.2 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny by a servant and sentenced to 15 years on 1 January 1856 at Exeter, Devon, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a farm labourer on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4653 on 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 October 1859 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 2 June 1862 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited31 May 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S45] Midwest Death Register, online,
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 10300/1879.

Henry Payne 46541

M, #4654, b. 1829, d. 17 August 1909
Name-Change Henry Payne 4654 was also known as John Williams 4654. 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

Parents His parents were Henry Payne & Emily.2 
BirthHe was born in 1829.1 
DeathHe died on 17 August 1909 at Geraldton, Western Australia.3,4 
BurialHe was buried on 18 August 1909 at Geraldton Cemetery, Geraldton, Western Australia.3 
ConvictedConvicted of sheep stealing and sentenced to 15 years on 1 January 1856 at Exeter, Devon, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 2 chn as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a farm labourer on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4654 on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 October 1859 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 11 August 1862 at Western Australia.1 
Bio He is mentioned in "Vikings, Villians and Vagabonds."5 
Research East Perth Cemetery has him dying in Perth in 1862. That appears to be a mistake. 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
UpdatesConvicts Being Researched
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesStealing
Last Edited18 Apr 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Death Reg: 2900035/1909.
  3. [S45] Midwest Death Register, online,
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 2900035/1909.
  5. [S55] Eric L. Hansen, Vikings, villians & vagabonds : the history of an Australian family 1550c-1995, pgs 41, 81, 85, 108, 141, 148-152, 210-211.

Joseph Weston 46551

M, #4655, b. 1833

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1833.1 
ConvictedConvicted of theft and sentenced to 7 years on 2 February 1852 at Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. He had been convicted previously.2 
LicenceHe was released on Licence on 13 June 1855 at Portland Prison, Portland, Dorset, England.3 
ConvictedConvicted of theft and sentenced to 15 years on 3 March 1856 at Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. He had been convicted previously.1 
OccupationRecorded as a hawker on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4655 on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married as at 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 31 December 1860 at Western Australia.1 
LeftJoseph Weston 4655 left the colony by escaping from Vasse in March 1861.1,4,5 
AccompliceHenry Adams 4104
AccompliceJoseph Stoddart 4513

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedScotland (852)
Theft CrimesTheft
Last Edited26 Sep 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S155] Records of the Prison Commission, online unknown url,
  3. [S155] Records of the Prison Commission, online unknown url,
  4. [S78] SLWA, online,
  5. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online,…

Charles Hawkins 46561

M, #4656, b. 1833

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1833.1 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary with violence and sentenced to 15 years on 27 March 1856 at Taunton, Somerset, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 1 child as at 1 January 1858.2,3 
OccupationRecorded as a plasterer on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4656 on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 25 February 1860 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 6 September 1862 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 10 April 1871 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for NSW on 19 January 1872.1,4 
AccompliceGeorge Rogers 4615
Bio You can find some information about him here Australian Convict Records

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited15 Aug 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  3. [S84] Records of the Colonial Office, online, Register of applications for passages to the colonies for convicts' families
  4. [S76] Convicts Who Left From Albany, online,…

Andrew Allen 46571

M, #4657, b. 1836, d. 22 August 1888

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1836 at Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland.1,2 
DeathHe died on 22 August 1888 at Mount Eliza Invalid Depot, Perth, Western Australia, Asthma and chronic bronchitis.3,4,5 
BurialHe was buried on 23 August 1888 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.3 
ConvictedConvicted of theft by housebreaking and sentenced to 7 years on 19 September 1851 at Dumfries, Dumfrieshire, Scotland. He had been convicted previously.6 
LicenceHe was released on Licence on 21 February 1855 at Parkhurst Prison, Newport, Isle of Wight, England.7 
ConvictedConvicted of theft aggravated by house breaking and sentenced to 15 years on 19 April 1856 at Dumfries, Dumfrieshire, Scotland. He had been convicted previously.1 
OccupationRecorded as a gardener on 1 January 1858.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4657 on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 13 September 1860 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 29 July 1863 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedScotland (852)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited5 Jul 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S153] Parkhurst Prison Register,…
  3. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…
  4. [S12] Trove, online,
  5. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 466/1888.
  6. [S129] Millbank Prison Register, online unknown url,
  7. [S107] Records of the Home Office, online unknown url,

Thomas Airey 46581

M, #4658, b. 1831, d. 13 October 1860
Name-Change Thomas Airey 4658 was also known as Thomas Avery 4658.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1831.1 
DeathHe died on 13 October 1860 at Perth Gaol, Perth, Western Australia, hanged for rape.2,3 
BurialHe was buried circa 14 October 1860 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia
ConvictedConvicted of felony and sentenced to 10 years on 20 February 1851 at Preston, Lancashire, England. He had been convicted previously.4 
LicenceHe was released on Licence on 11 June 1855 at Warrior Hulk, Woolwich, Kent, England. Licence No. 5298.5 
ConvictedConvicted of house breaking and sentenced to 15 years on 2 July 1856 at Preston, Lancashire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a machine fitter on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4658 on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 4 June 1860 at Western Australia.1 
Bio His demise is described on pg 9 of "Legal Executions."6 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
DeathExecuted in WA
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited31 May 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…
  3. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  4. [S107] Records of the Home Office, online unknown url,
  5. [S107] Records of the Home Office, online unknown url,
  6. [S68] Brian Purdue, Legal Executions in Western Australia, pg 9.

Thomas Hansom 46591

M, #4659, b. 1836
Name-Change Thomas Hansom 4659 was also known as Thomas Hanson 4659.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1836.1 
ConvictedConvicted of unnatural offence and sentenced to 15 years on 12 July 1856 at Winchester, Hampshire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4659 on 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 6 April 1860 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 26 July 1882 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Sex CrimeUnnatural Crime
Last Edited12 Apr 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Matthew Skellett 46601

M, #4660, b. 1828, d. 22 January 1895

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1828.1 
DeathHe died on 22 January 1895 at Mount Eliza Invalid Depot, Perth, Western Australia.2,3,4 
BurialHe was buried on 23 January 1895 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.5 
ConvictedConvicted of bestiality and sentenced to 15 years on 16 July 1856 at Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, England.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a farm labourer on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4660 on 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 22 May 1860 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 1 June 1863 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Sex CrimeBeastiality
Last Edited31 May 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S12] Trove, online,
  3. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online,…
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 133/1895.
  5. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…

John Turnbull 46611

M, #4661, b. 1836, d. 14 January 1860

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1836.1 
DeathHe died on 14 January 1860 at Convict Establishment Hospital, Fremantle, Western Australia.2,3,4 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery with violence and sentenced to 15 years on 30 July 1855 at Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a pitman on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4661 on 1 January 1858.1 
AccompliceGeorge Davidson 4273

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
UpdatesRecent Changes
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited25 Jan 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online,…
  3. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online,…
  4. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online, Letter and Memoranda Books Comptroller-General to the Colonial Secretary (C22-C23) No. 1087 (frame 425)…

Hodgson Dawson 46621

M, #4662, b. 1824, d. December 1857

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1824.1 
DeathHe died in December 1857 at at sea on the voyage out to WA.1 
ConvictedConvicted of breaking, entering, stealing from a shop and sentenced to 7 years on 9 December 1851 at Bradford, Yorkshire, England.2 
LicenceHe was released on Licence on 16 April 1855 at Warrior Hulk, Woolwich, Kent, England.3 
ConvictedConvicted of house breaking and sentenced to 15 years on 5 March 1856 at Wakefield, Yorkshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 23 September 1857.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 23 September 1857.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4662 on 23 September 1857.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile leaving from Plymouth, Devon, England, on 23 September 1857. He had been collected from Chatham prison. He died on the journey.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 23 September 1857.1 
AccompliceJohn Gill 4516
Bio There is some info about Hodgson here Australian Convict Records

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
DeathDied on the Voyage Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited2 Sep 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S107] Records of the Home Office, online unknown url,
  3. [S155] Records of the Prison Commission, online unknown url,

John Hollingworth 46631

M, #4663, b. 1835, d. March 1861
Name-Change John Hollingworth 4663 was also known as John Hollingsworth 4663.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1835.1 
DeathHe died in March 1861 at Western Australia drowned.1,2 
ConvictedConvicted of arson and sentenced to 15 years on 2 April 1853 at Chester, Cheshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4663 on 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 15 February 1858 at Western Australia.1 
IllnessHe was admitted to hospital for treatment of delusions circa April 1858 at Fremantle, Western Australia. He was discharged to the lunatic asylum 1.5.1858.3 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Arson CrimeArson
Last Edited29 Aug 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  3. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,

James May 46641

M, #4664, b. 1836

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

Family LinkJames May 4664 and William Henry May 4555 were brothers. 
BirthHe was born in 1836.1 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to 14 years on 3 March 1856 at Winchester, Hampshire, England.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 1 January 1858.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4664 on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 21 November 1859 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 8 March 1867 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 8 February 1871 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceWilliam Henry May 4555

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
UpdatesRecent Changes
FamilyFamily Members Convicts
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited27 Jan 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

James Chambers 46651

M, #4665, b. 1822

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1822.1 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to 14 years on 20 March 1856 at Warwick, Warwickshire, England.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 1 January 1858.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was widower as at 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4665 on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 10 May 1859 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 18 August 1861 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceCharles Brown 4528
AccompliceJohn Taylor 4530
Bio There is some info about James here Australian Convict Records

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
UpdatesRecent Changes
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited27 Jan 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

William Jones 46661

M, #4666, b. 1835, d. 2 July 1886
Name-Change William Jones 4666 was also known as William Fuincimore 4666.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1835.1 
DeathHe died on 2 July 1886 at Fremantle, Western Australia, found dead.1,2,3 
ConvictedConvicted of sacrilege and sentenced to 14 years on 20 March 1856 at Warwick, Warwickshire, England.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 1 child as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a brass founder on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4666 on 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 23 September 1859 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 9 April 1861 at Western Australia.1 
Bio You can find some information about him here Australian Convict Records

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Other CrimesSacrilege
Last Edited31 May 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S95] WA Police Gazettes, online, Inquest 1886 pg 118.
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 13672/1886.

Robert Wilson 46671

M, #4667, b. 1802, d. circa 25 May 1871

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1802.1 
DeathHe died circa 25 May 1871 at Perth, Western Australia, reg: 5006/1871.2,3 
BurialHe was buried on 25 May 1871 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.2 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 14 years on 22 March 1856 at Liverpool, Lancashire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 8 chn as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a clerk on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4667 on 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 27 May 1859 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 16 December 1861 at Western Australia.1 
Bio There is some info about Robert here Australian Convict Records

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited25 Apr 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online

John Humphreys 46681

M, #4668, b. 1831, d. 6 January 1864

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1831.1 
DeathHe died on 6 January 1864 at Convict Establishment Hospital, Fremantle, Western Australia.2,3,4,5 
ConvictedConvicted of rape and sentenced to 14 years on 24 March 1856 at Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a blacksmith on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4668 on 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 7 September 1859 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Sex CrimeRape
Last Edited29 Aug 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online,…
  3. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 2384/1864.
  5. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,

Henry Whitaker 46691

M, #4669, b. 1840, d. 11 February 1910

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1840 at Lancashire, England.1 
DeathHe died on 11 February 1910 at Geraldton, Western Australia.1,2,3 
BurialHe was buried on 11 February 1910 at Geraldton Cemetery, Geraldton, Western Australia.2 
ConvictedConvicted of breaking & entering a shop and stealing there-in and sentenced to 14 years on 7 April 1856 at Liverpool, Lancashire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a boilermaker on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4669 on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 7 September 1859 at Western Australia. The attached images are from the Toodyay TOL CD Acc 720/30 & Toodyay TOL CD Acc 720/31.1,4,5
Census_1859YorkHe appeared on the 1859 York census at York, Western Australia, on the premises of Peter lewis.6 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 20 September 1865 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceThomas Gregory 4532
AccompliceJohn Williams 4670
Bio He has a section in "From the Avon to the Irwin."7 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
UpdatesConvicts Being Researched
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
York Census 1859 Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesStealing
Last Edited3 Nov 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S45] Midwest Death Register, online,
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 2900010/1910. Recorded as Henry Whittaker.
  4. [S212] Ticket of Leave, Toodyay TOL Register 721/30, pg 362.
  5. [S213] Ticket of Leave, Toodyay TOL Register 721/31, Pg 21L (pdf pg 931).
  6. [S110] State Records Office of WA, online,…
  7. [S381] Anne Jeffreys, From the Avon to the Irwin - A Story of Two Valleys, pg 89-90.

John Williams 46701

M, #4670, b. 1835, d. 28 August 1860

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1835.1 
DeathHe died on 28 August 1860 at Convict Establishment Hospital, Fremantle, Western Australia, natural causes.2,3,4 
ConvictedConvicted of breaking & entering a shop and stealing and sentenced to 14 years on 7 April 1856 at Liverpool, Lancashire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a weaver on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4670 on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 17 October 1859 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceHenry Whitaker 4669
AccompliceThomas Gregory 4532

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesStealing
Last Edited26 Sep 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online,…
  3. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 1492/1860.

Joseph Hopkins 46711

M, #4671, b. 1800, d. 20 April 1880

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1800.1 
DeathHe died on 20 April 1880 at Mount Eliza Invalid Depot, Perth, Western Australia.1,2,3 
BurialHe was buried on 20 April 1880 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.4 
ConvictedConvicted of house breaking and sentenced to 14 years on 7 April 1856 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was widower 6 chn as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a cooper on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4671 on 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 21 April 1859 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 31 July 1861 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 9 April 1870 at Western Australia.1 
Bio You can find some information about him here Australian Convict Records

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited31 May 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S12] Trove, online,
  3. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 10518/1880.
  4. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…

Henry Mitchell 46721

M, #4672, b. 1833, d. 13 December 1910

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

Parents His father was Henry Mitchell.2 
BirthHe was born in 1833.1 
DeathHe died on 13 December 1910 at East Perth, Western Australia, Killed at East Perth Railway Crossing.3,4,5 
BurialHe was buried on 15 December 1910 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.3 
ConvictedConvicted of feloniously being at large before expiration of sentence and sentenced to 14 years on 12 May 1856 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married as at 1 January 1858.6,7 
OccupationRecorded as a bricklayer on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4672 on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 10 December 1859 at Western Australia. The attached image is from the Toodyay TOL CD Acc 720/30.1,8
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 20 February 1865 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 12 May 1870 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
UpdatesConvicts Being Researched
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Other CrimesReturning from Transportation
Last Edited27 Sep 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Death Reg: 100577/1910.
  3. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online,…
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online, Reg: 100577/1910.
  5. [S12] Trove, online,
  6. [S85] CO 18 Despatches,
  7. [S84] Records of the Colonial Office, online, Register of applications for passages to the colonies for convicts' families
  8. [S212] Ticket of Leave, Toodyay TOL Register 721/30, pg 257.

Cornelius William John Hardy 46731

M, #4673, b. 1833

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1833.1 
ConvictedConvicted of stealing a post letter and sentenced to 14 years on 3 March 1856 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a clerk on 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Chatham prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4673 on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 13 June 1859 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 24 September 1861 at Western Australia.1 
Cert. of FreedomHis Certificate of Freedom was granted on 4 March 1870 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceJames Andrews 4566
Bio Mentioned in "A Brand on his Coat"

There is some info about Cornelius here Australian Convict Records.2 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesStealing
Last Edited26 Sep 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S56] Rica Erickson, The Brand on His Coat, pgs 295, 322.

Timothy Murphy 46741

M, #4674, b. 1837

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1837.1 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to life on 26 July 1856 at Warwick, Warwickshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a glassblower on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Dartmoor prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4674 on 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 21 August 1861 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 18 February 1866 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited12 Apr 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

William Smith 46751

M, #4675, b. 1831
Name-Change William Smith 4675 was also known as John Dougan 4675.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1831.1 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary and sentenced to life on 1 December 1856 at Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Wales. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 1 January 1858.1 
OccupationRecorded as a painter on 1 January 1858.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 1 January 1858.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Nile arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 1 January 1858. He had been collected from Dartmoor prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 4675 on 1 January 1858.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 5 June 1862 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 25 November 1867 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for Callao on 29 December 1872.2 
Research Midwest Convict Database has him dying 1896 in Bunbury but I can't find any sources to support that. 

Found in These Indexes

ShipNile Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedWales (256)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited16 May 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S76] Convicts Who Left From Albany, online,…