Jacob Cliff 34511

M, #3451, b. 1805, d. 6 July 1883
Name-Change Jacob Cliff 3451 was also known as Jacob Cliffe 3451.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1805 at England.1 
DeathHe died on 6 July 1883 at York, Western Australia.2,3,4 
BurialHe was buried on 6 July 1883 at York Cemetery, York, Western Australia.5 
ConvictedConvicted of felony and sentenced to 10 years on 16 October 1851 at Oakham, Rutland, England.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 9 April 1855.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3451 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 7 November 1857 at Western Australia.1 
Census_1859YorkHe appeared on the 1859 York census at York, Western Australia, on the premises of Henry Penny.6 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
West AustYork Census 1859 Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesFelony
Last Edited30 Oct 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S12] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/148585667
  3. [S36] Jan James Collection held at FamilyHistoryWA,Bayswater, WA, York Deaths 1842-1935.
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 12002/1883.
  5. [S36] Jan James Collection held at FamilyHistoryWA,Bayswater, WA, York Burials 1843-1935.
  6. [S110] State Records Office of WA, online archive.sro.wa.gov.au, https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/…

George Lovell 34521

M, #3452, b. 1826

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1826.1 
ConvictedConvicted of stealing a pig and sentenced to 10 years on 21 February 1852 at Carlisle, Cumbria, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 1 ch as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a tailor ex army on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3452 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
ExpiredHis sentence expired in August 1862 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesStealing
Last Edited12 May 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

James Bruce 34531

M, #3453, b. 1833

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1833.1 
ConvictedConvicted of stealing from person and sentenced to 10 years on 20 October 1851 at Newington, Surrey, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3453 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 9 October 1858 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesStealing
Last Edited19 Dec 2022

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

John Marron 34541

M, #3454, b. 1829

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

Parents His parents were Robert Marron & Ann.2 
BirthHe was born in 1829 at Cumberland, England.1,3 
BaptismHe was baptised on 7 June 1829 at Saint Michael, Workington, Cumberland, England, His parents were Robert Marron & Ann.2 
Census_1841EngHe appeared on the 1841 English census at Workington, Cumberland, England.3 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 7 years on 28 September 1846 at Carlisle, Cumbria, England. He had been convicted previously.4 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 10 December 1846 at Millbank Prison, Westminster, Middlesex, England. He was sent to Refuge of Destitute.4 
Census_1851EngHe appeared on the 1851 English census at Newcastle Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England.5 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 10 years on 21 February 1852 at Carlisle, Cumbria, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3454 on 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
OccupationRecorded as a shoemaker on 9 April 1855.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 27 August 1859 at Western Australia.1 
Bio The attached details and script of a play about John's trial are compliments of John Knowles.

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
UpdatesRecent Changes
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited2 Jan 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S37] England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975, online Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/…
  3. [S2] 1841 England Census, online Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/…
  4. [S129] Millbank Prison Register, online unknown url, https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-812835387/view
  5. [S199] 1851 England Census, online Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/…

Michael Dunn 34551

M, #3455, b. 1827
Name-Change Michael Dunn 3455 was also known as Peter Featherstone 3455. 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1827.1 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 7 years on 18 October 1841 at Chester, Cheshire, England.2 
TransportedxMichael Dunn 3455 was transported on 6 April 1842 departing from Euryalus Hulk, Chatham, Kent, England, on the Elphinstone to Tasmania.3 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 6040 (Tas) on 28 July 1842.4 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery and sentenced to 10 years on 6 December 1851 at Liverpool, Lancashire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
OccupationRecorded as a mariner on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3455 on 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was married 1 ch as at 9 April 1855. Granted permission to marry 1/2yr return 31.12.1855.5,6 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 16 August 1858 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
UpdatesRecent Changes
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
MultipleTransported Twice
Eastern States Convict
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesRobbery
Last Edited24 Jan 2025

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S107] Records of the Home Office, online unknown url, https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-1069728363/view
  3. [S5] Australian Convict Transportation Registers – Other Fleets & Ships, 1791-1868, online nla.gov.au/nla.obj-728075871/findingaid#nla-obj-728081452, https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/…
  4. [S147] Tasmania Libraries Archives, online unknown url, https://libraries.tas.gov.au/Digital/CON33-1-25/…
  5. [S85] CO 18 Despatches, https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2043604728/view
  6. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, Letter and Memoranda Books Comptroller - General to the Colonial Secretary (C19-C21) No. 1724 (frame 739)

Jeremiah Prickett 34561

M, #3456, b. 1826

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1826.1 
ConvictedConvicted of curtilage; breaking and larceny and sentenced to 10 years on 28 February 1852 at Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3456 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 3 July 1858 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited20 Dec 2022

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Berto Mayo Argenti 34571

M, #3457, b. 1821, d. 1895

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1821 at Isola del Giglio, Italy.1 
DeathHe died in 1895 at Albany, Western Australia, reg: 1178/1895 as Bartholomew Argent.1,2 
ConvictedConvicted of wounding with intent and sentenced to 10 years on 23 February 1852 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a sailor on 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3457 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 5 November 1859 at Western Australia.1 
Census_1876AlbanyHe appeared on the 1876 Albany census at Albany, Western Australia, With wife Elizabeth.3 
Census_1881AlbanyHe appeared on the 1881 Albany census at Albany, Western Australia, With wife Elizabeth.4 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
West AustAlbany Related
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Violent CrimeWounding
Last Edited29 Jun 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au.
  3. [S214] They Lived in Albany 1876 & 1881, pdf pg 8.
  4. [S214] They Lived in Albany 1876 & 1881, pdf pg 66.

Owen King 34581

M, #3458, b. 1834

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1834.1 
ConvictedConvicted of robbery from person and sentenced to 10 years on 20 January 1852 at Kirkdale, Lancashire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3458 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
ExpiredHis sentence expired in April 1862 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesRobbery
Last Edited20 Dec 2022

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

John Olive 34591

M, #3459, b. 1828, d. 18 April 1881
Name-Change John Olive 3459 was also known as James Olive 3459. 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1828.1 
DeathHe died on 18 April 1881 at Mount Eliza Invalid Depot, Perth, Western Australia, Heart Disease.2,3,4 
BurialHe was buried on 19 April 1881 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.2 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 10 years on 5 April 1852 at Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3459 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 27 October 1857 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited16 May 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online eastperthcemeteries.com.au, https://www.eastperthcemeteries.com.au/explore/…
  3. [S12] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/65958799
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 10910/1881. Recorded as James Olive.

William Snell 34601

M, #3460, b. 1821, d. 9 September 1887

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1821.1 
DeathHe died on 9 September 1887 at Mount Eliza Invalid Depot, Perth, Western Australia.2,3,4 
BurialHe was buried circa 10 September 1887 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.2 
ConvictedConvicted of larceny and sentenced to 10 years on 12 April 1852 at Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 9 April 1855.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a boatman on 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3460 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 6 March 1858 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesLarceny
Last Edited16 May 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online eastperthcemeteries.com.au, https://www.eastperthcemeteries.com.au/explore/…
  3. [S12] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/76473505
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 563/1887.

Thomas Gallacher 34611

M, #3461, b. 1834
Name-Change Thomas Gallacher 3461 was also known as Thomas Gallagher 3461.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1834.1 
ConvictedConvicted of theft by housebreaking and sentenced to 10 years on 27 April 1852 at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a weaver on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3461 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 3 September 1859 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
Where ConvictedScotland (852)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited20 Dec 2022

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Michael Sheehan 34621

M, #3462, b. 1828

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1828.1 
ConvictedConvicted of desertion (Court Martial) and sentenced to 10 years on 6 April 1852 at Quebec, Quebec, Canada.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a soldier 54 ft on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3462 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
PardonHis was granted a Pardon in February 1856 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
MilitaryMilitary Court Martial
Where ConvictedCanada (129)
Military CrimeDesertion
Last Edited20 Dec 2022

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

John Mitchell 34631

M, #3463, b. 1829, d. 12 June 1855

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1829.1 
DeathHe died on 12 June 1855 at at sea taken ill at sea; sick or hurt phthisis.1,2 
ConvictedConvicted of desertion (Court Martial) and sentenced to 10 years on 29 August 1851 at Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 19 April 1855.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 19 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a soldier 71st on 19 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide leaving from Portland, Dorset, England, on 19 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison. He died on the journey.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3463 on 19 April 1855.1 
Research CWA has his number wrong. 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
DeathDied on the Voyage Index
MilitaryMilitary Court Martial
Where ConvictedCanada (129)
Military CrimeDesertion
Last Edited20 Dec 2022

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/60668/…

William Petty 34641

M, #3464, b. 1830, d. 1 October 1881

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1830 at Worcestershire, England.1 
DeathHe died on 1 October 1881 at Yandenooka, Western Australia.2,3,4,5 
BurialHe was buried on 1 October 1881 at Irwin Cemetery, Dongara, Western Australia.3 
ConvictedConvicted of housebreaking and sentenced to 10 years on 27 February 1852 at Worcester, Worcestershire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3464 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 12 November 1859 at Western Australia.1 
Census_1859YorkHe appeared on the 1859 York census at York, Western Australia.6 
Research CWA has the Inquest date as the date of death. 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
West AustMid West Convict Database Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited8 Oct 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S95] WA Police Gazettes, online slwa.wa.gov.au/collections/collections/police-gazettes, 1881 pg 177.
  3. [S45] Midwest Death Register, online midwestwaheritage.com/midwest-death-register/, https://midwestwaheritage.com/result/?id=14540
  4. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/60668/…
  5. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 11206/1882.
  6. [S110] State Records Office of WA, online archive.sro.wa.gov.au, https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/…

Arnold Gerber 34651

M, #3465, b. 1823, d. March 1885

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1823.1 
DeathHe died in March 1885 at Benevolent Asylum, Melbourne, Victoria.2 
ConvictedConvicted of forging and uttering and sentenced to 10 years on 23 February 1852 at Central Criminal Court, London, London, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855. Granted permission to marry 1/2yr return 31.12.1857.1,3 
OccupationRecorded as a metal turner on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3465 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 30 November 1858 at Western Australia.1 
Bio His story is partly told at Harvey History Online

There is some (mostly) unsourced information about Arnold on the Australian Convict Records Site

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
StoriesConvict Stories Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Forgery & Fraud CrimeForgery
Last Edited4 Oct 2024

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S12] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/6071914
  3. [S85] CO 18 Despatches, https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2044005675/view

John Jones 34661

M, #3466, b. 1829

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1829.1 
ConvictedConvicted of theft and sentenced to 10 years on 5 April 1852 at Warwick, Warwickshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a ag labourer on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3466 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 12 November 1859 at Western Australia.1 
LeftHe left the colony for Madras on 7 August 1867.1 
Research CWA has the wrong TOL date. 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
LeftLeft the WA Colony Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesTheft
Last Edited20 Dec 2022

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  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

James Frederick Lane 34671

M, #3467, b. 1829, d. 19 March 1896
Name-Change James Frederick Lane 3467 was also known as John Lane 3467.1 

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

John Lane 3467 (Photo: Diane McIntosh)
Parents His parents were Michael Lane & Bridget Cannon.2 
BirthHe was born in 1829 at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland.1,3 
DeathHe died on 19 March 1896 at Mandurah, Western Australia.4 
ConvictedConvicted of theft by housebreaking and sentenced to 10 years on 22 December 1851 at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland. He had been convicted previously.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 9 April 1855.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3467 on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
ExpiredHis sentence expired on 12 September 1862 at Western Australia.1 
AccompliceWilliam McColgan 3611
Research CWA has him dying in 1886 but the James Lane was only 20. He looks to be the son of #3467.5 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
UpdatesConvicts Being Researched
MultipleTransported Twice
Where ConvictedScotland (852)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited30 Aug 2024

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  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Death Reg: 1112/1896.
  3. [S124] Scottish Indexes, online scottichindexes.com, https://www.scottishindexes.com/adentry.aspx?adid=851513
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 1112/1896. Recorded as John Lane.
  5. [S12] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/3762995

John Maloney 34681

M, #3468, b. 1835

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1835.1 
ConvictedConvicted of housebreaking and larceny and sentenced to 10 years on 20 April 1852 at Kirkdale, Lancashire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3468 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 25 November 1859 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBreaking
Last Edited20 Dec 2022

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  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Hugh Williams 34691

M, #3469, b. 1825

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1825.1 
ConvictedConvicted of desertion (Court Martial) and sentenced to 10 years on 26 September 1851 at Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a soldier 20 ft on 9 April 1855.1 
Physical Desc.Recorded with the physical attributes: Pockmarked; D on left side on 9 April 1855.2 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Portland prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3469 on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 14 September 1857 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
MilitaryMilitary Court Martial
Branded D for Deserter
Where ConvictedCanada (129)
Military CrimeDesertion
Last Edited21 May 2023

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  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/60668/…

John Heary 34701

M, #3470, b. 1832

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1832.1 
ConvictedConvicted of felony and sentenced to 10 years on 19 May 1851 at Liverpool, Lancashire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a coppersmith on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Warrior Hulk prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3470 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 22 October 1860 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesFelony
Last Edited20 Dec 2022

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  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Henry Cockayne 34711

M, #3471, b. 1834

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1834.1 
ConvictedConvicted of stealing 5/- from person and sentenced to 10 years on 11 March 1851 at Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a lacemaker on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Warrior Hulk prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3471 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 22 November 1856 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesStealing
Last Edited20 Dec 2022

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  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

James Curran 34721

M, #3472, b. 1831

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1831 at Fermanagh, Ireland.1,2 
ConvictedConvicted of assault and robbery and sentenced to 10 years on 22 December 1851 at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland. He had been convicted previously.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Warrior Hulk prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3472 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Conditional PardonHis Conditional Pardon was granted on 28 July 1860 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
Where ConvictedScotland (852)
Violent CrimeAssault/Violence
Last Edited12 Dec 2024

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  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S124] Scottish Indexes, online scottichindexes.com, https://www.scottishindexes.com/jcdetail.aspx

William Arnold 34731

M, #3473, b. 1832, d. 29 November 1855

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1832.1 
DeathHe died on 29 November 1855 at Mount Eliza Invalid Depot, Perth, Western Australia, dysentry.2,3,4 
BurialHe was buried on 30 November 1855 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.2 
ConvictedConvicted of sheep stealing and sentenced to 10 years on 24 February 1852 at Reading, Berkshire, England. He had been convicted previously.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being illiterate as at 9 April 1855.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a labourer on 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Warrior Hulk prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3473 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Bio He is mentioned in "A Brand on His Coat."5 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesStealing
Last Edited16 May 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online eastperthcemeteries.com.au, https://www.eastperthcemeteries.com.au/explore/…
  3. [S85] CO 18 Despatches, https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2043604141/view
  4. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 744/1855.
  5. [S56] Rica Erickson, The Brand on His Coat, pg 11.

James Cox 34741

M, #3474, b. 1833

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1833.1 
ConvictedConvicted of burglary; 3 offences and sentenced to 10 years on 28 February 1852 at Winchester, Hampshire, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was unmarried as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a fisherman on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Warrior Hulk prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3474 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
ExpiredHis sentence expired in March 1862 at Western Australia.1 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesBurglary
Last Edited20 Dec 2022

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  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.

Isaac Marks 34751

M, #3475, b. 1817, d. 12 September 1855

Photo (if we have one) and Pdf Link files(s) to website records. Also look at Convict Ship level links for key WA records.

BirthHe was born in 1817.1 
DeathHe died on 12 September 1855 at Perth, Western Australia.2,3,4,5 
BurialHe was buried on 13 September 1855 at East Perth Cemetery, East Perth, Western Australia.2 
ConvictedConvicted of receiving a stolen horse and sentenced to 10 years on 3 March 1852 at Dorchester, Dorset, England.1 
Family Status He claimed that his marital status was widpower 1 child as at 9 April 1855.1 
OccupationRecorded as a cordwainer on 9 April 1855.1 
LiteracyRecorded as being semi-literate as at 9 April 1855.1 
TransportedTransported to WA on the Adelaide arriving at Fremantle, Western Australia, on 9 April 1855. He had been collected from Warrior Hulk prison.1 
Convict NoAssigned with Convict No. 3475 on 9 April 1855.1 
Ticket of LeaveHis Ticket of Leave was granted on 18 July 1855 at Western Australia.1 
Bio He is mentioned in Westralian Voices.6 

Found in These Indexes

ShipAdelaide Convict Index
Where ConvictedEngland (7448)
Theft CrimesReceiving
Last Edited26 Jun 2023

Click on the Source No. for more information


  1. [S26] FHWA Convict SIG Records - Largely sourced from Convicts in Western Australia 1850 - 1887 by Rica Erickson and Gilliian O'Mara,48 May St, Bayswater, WA.
  2. [S11] East Perth Cemeteries, online eastperthcemeteries.com.au, https://www.eastperthcemeteries.com.au/explore/…
  3. [S85] CO 18 Despatches, https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2043604141/view
  4. [S6] Western Australia Convict Records, 1846-1930 SROWA, online Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/60668/…
  5. [S9] WA BDM's, online www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au, Reg: 742/1855.
  6. [S91] Marian Aveling, Westralian Voices, pg 71.