Medical journal of the William Hammond , hired convict ship, for 6 December 1855 to 2 April 1856 by George D Maclaren, Surgeon Superintendent.
ADM 101/74/8/1-3 National Archives (UK) website
Folios 1-2: case no 1, Thomas Aspinal, aged 28, Convict; taken ill at Portland; sick or hurt, pleuritis, complained of shooting pain in the fore and lower part of the right side of the chest increased on deep inspiration or coughing; put on sick list, 20 December 1855, discharged 27 December 1855 cured.
Folios 2-3: case no 2, William Clements, aged 27, Convict; taken ill at Plymouth Sound; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 1 January 1856, discharged 11 January 1856 cured.
Folios 3-8: case no 3, Thomas Aspinal, aged 28, Convict; taken ill at Plymouth Sound; sick or hurt, phthisis pulmonalis, pain across the chest, cough with mucous expectoration and shortness of breathing; put on sick list, 2 January 1856, sent 1 April 1856 to Hospital.
Folio 8: case no 4, Charles Ellis, aged 21, Convict; taken ill at Plymouth Sound; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 3 January 1856, discharged 4 January 1856 cured.
Folios 8-9: case no 5, John Sullivan, aged 25, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 7 January 1856, discharged 9 January 1856 cured.
Folios 9-16: case no 6, Charles Bowen, aged 23, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, dysenteria followed by hemiplegia, also complained of griping pains over the abdomen, accompanied by frequent call to stools, stated that for some days back had loose alvine dejection; put on sick list, 10 January 1856, sent 1 April 1856 to Hospital.
Folios 16-17: case no 7, George Wilmott, aged 23, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 10 January 1856, discharged 18 January 1856 cured.
Folios 17-18: case no 8, Samuel Swift, aged 41, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, opthalmia; put on sick list, 15 January 1856, discharged 19 January 1856 cured.
Folios 18-19: case no 9, William Drinkwater, aged 21, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, opthalmia; put on sick list, 15 January 1856, discharged 23 January 1856 cured.
Folios 19-20: case no 10, Henry Fuchs, aged 26, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, cynanche tonsillaris; put on sick list, 27 January 1856, discharged 3 February 1856 cured.
Folios 21-25: case no 11, Henry J. Fraser, aged 47, Corporal of Pensioner Guard; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, phthisis pulmonalis, of debilitated frame, complained of severe cough, shortness of breath and general debility with occasional pain across the upper part of the chest but without much uneasiness on full inspiration; put on sick list, 13 February 1856, died 13 March 1856 at 4.30 am.
Folios 25-26: case no 12, James Stevenson, aged 22, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, nyctalopia; put on sick list, 18 February 1856, discharged 24 February 1856 cured.
Folios 26-27: case no 13, Alfred Blake, aged 22, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, catarrhus; put on sick list, 12 March 1856, discharged 17 March 1856 cured.
Folios 27-28: case no 14, Robert Allen, aged 25, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, rheumatismus; put on sick list, 17 March 1856, discharged 22 March 1856 cured.
Folios 28-29: case no 15, Richard Johnson, aged 34, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, rheumatismus; put on sick list, 17 March 1856, discharged 20 March 1856 cured.
Folios 29-30: case no 16, John Kinghorn, aged 20, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, nyctalopia; put on sick list, 18 March 1856, discharged 25 March 1856 cured.
Folios 30-31: case no 17, Frank Travers, aged 26, Convict; taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, nyctalopia; put on sick list, 19 March 1856, discharged 29 March 1856 cured.
Folio 32: Nosological return of cases mentioned in the journal.
Folio 33: The surgeon stated that no injuries of any importance occurred during the period of this journal.
Folios 33-35: Tables of medical statistics.
Folios 35-38: Surgeon's general remarks. The embarkation took place during the winter season and despite heavy gales and cold and wet weather that prevailed in the Channel, the general health of the convicts and others did not suffer. The Surgeon remarks on the case of dysentery (no 6), and on cases of nyctalopia (nos 12, 16 and 17). He also mentioned that convicts were embarked between 8 and 31 December 1855, in which 67 at Woolwich, 58 at Portsmouth, 80 at Portland and 45 at Plymouth Sound, making in all 250 male convicts. The whole number were disembarked at Fremantle, Western Australia between 1 and 2 April 1856. He also stated the benefit of chloride of zinc in decomposing putrid state of prisons.
ADM 101/74/8/2-3
Folios 38-39: Copy of daily sick list, (names and details follow):
Folio 38: Thomas Aspinal, aged 28, convict; sick or hurt, pleuritis; put on sick list, 20 December 1855, discharged 27 December 1855 cured.
Folio 38: William Ford, aged 24, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 26 December 1855, discharged 29 December 1855 cured.
Folio 38: James Knowles, aged 34, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 1 January 1856, discharged 12 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: Thomas Brown, aged 22, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 1 January 1856, discharged 13 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: William Clements, aged 27, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 1 January 1856, discharged 11 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: Thomas Aspinal, aged 28, convict; sick or hurt, phthisis; put on sick list, 2 January 1856, discharged 1 April 1856 to hospital.
Folio 38: George Parsons, aged 23, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 3 January 1856, discharged 4 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: Joseph Ralph, aged 36, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 3 January 1856, discharged 4 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: Bernard McArdle, aged 21, convict; sick or hurt, obstipatio; put on sick list, 3 January 1856, discharged 14 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: Charles Ellis, aged 21, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 3 January 1856, discharged 4 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: John Sullivan, aged 25, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 7 January 1856, discharged 9 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: Luke Packwood, aged 25, convict; sick or hurt, phlegmon; put on sick list, 7 January 1856, discharged 19 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: James Hanson, aged 31, convict; sick or hurt, rheumat[ismus]; put on sick list, 7 January 1856, discharged 9 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: George Parsons, aged 23, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 8 January 1856, discharged 14 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: William Martin, aged 25, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 8 January 1856, discharged 31 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: Charles Bowen, aged 23, convict; sick or hurt, dysenteria; put on sick list, 10 January 1856, discharged 1 April 1856 to hospital.
Folio 38: Wiliam Bantack, aged 41, convict; sick or hurt, cynanche; put on sick list, 10 January 1856, discharged 17 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: George Wilmott, aged 23, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 10 January 1856, discharged 18 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: James Pickering, aged 35, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 10 January 1856, discharged 13 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: John Sharrack, aged 29, convict; sick or hurt, vulnus; put on sick list, 14 January 1856, discharged 17 February 1856 cured.
Folio 38: Peter Manning, aged 35, convict; sick or hurt, obstipatio; put on sick list, 14 January 1856, discharged 15 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: John Darnall, aged 42, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 14 January 1856, discharged 23 January 1856 cured.
Folio 38: Edward Maguire, aged 43, p. pensioner; sick or hurt, vulnus; put on sick list, 15 January 1856, discharged 24 January 1856 to duty.
Folio 38: Samuel Swift, aged 41, convict; sick or hurt, ophthalmia; put on sick list, 15 January 1856, discharged 19 January 1856 cured.
Folio 39: William Drinkwater, aged 21, convict; sick or hurt, ophthalmia; put on sick list, 15 January 1856, discharged 23 January 1856 cured.
Folio 39: George Allen, aged 22, convict; sick or hurt, erythema; put on sick list, 15 January 1856, discharged 26 January 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Robert Sly, aged 42, p. pensioner; sick or hurt, catarrhus; put on sick list, 20 January 1856, discharged 23 February 1856 to duty.
Folio 39: John Wilson, aged 23, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 20 January 1856, discharged 23 January 1856 cured.
Folio 39: John Charleton, aged 35, convict; sick or hurt, rheumatism; put on sick list, 20 January 1856, discharged 31 January 1856 cured.
Folio 39: John McLauchlan, aged 23, convict; sick or hurt, dyspepsia; put on sick list, 20 January 1856, discharged 31 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Joseph Ralph, aged 36, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 22 January 1856, discharged 27 January 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Henry Fuchs, aged 26, convict; sick or hurt, cynanche; put on sick list, 27 January 1856, discharged 3 February 1856 cured.
Folio 39: George Hudson, aged 25, convict; sick or hurt, obstipatio; put on sick list, 3 February 1856, discharged 17 February 1856 cured.
Folio 39: James Waterworth, aged 26, convict; sick or hurt, cynanche; put on sick list, 6 February 1856, discharged 23 February 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Bernard McCaffrey, aged 40, p.pensioner; sick or hurt, furunculus; put on sick list, 7 February 1856, discharged 10 February 1856 to duty.
Folio 39: George Allen, aged 22, convict; sick or hurt, furunculus; put on sick list, 7 February 1856, discharged 17 February 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Thomas Chinnery, aged 26, convict; sick or hurt, dyspepsia; put on sick list, 7 February 1856, discharged 22 February 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Edward Farrell, aged 21, convict; sick or hurt, phlegmon; put on sick list, 11 February 1856, discharged 20 February 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Owen Griffiths, aged 23, convict; sick or hurt, phlegmon; put on sick list, 11 February 1856, discharged 17 February 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Thomas Bantack, aged 41, convict; sick or hurt, nyctalopia; put on sick list, 13 February 1856, discharged 24 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Henry J Fraser, aged 47, Corporal of Pensioner Guard; sick or hurt, phthisis; put on sick list, 13 February 1856, discharged 13 March 1856 died.
Folio 39: John Wallace, aged 27, convict; sick or hurt, phlegmon; put on sick list, 15 February 1856, discharged 24 February 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Robert Hellewell, aged 37, p.pensioner; sick or hurt, vulnus; put on sick list, 16 February 1856, discharged 22 February 1856 to duty.
Folio 39: George Anderson, aged 24, convict; sick or hurt, phlegmon; put on sick list, 16 February 1856, discharged 20 February 1856 cured.
Folio 39: James Stevenson, aged 22, convict; sick or hurt, nyctalopia; put on sick list, 18 February 1856, discharged 24 February 1856 cured.
Folio 39: George Bird, aged 25, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 28 February 1856, discharged 7 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: John Hughes, aged 31, convict; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; put on sick list, 28 February 1856, discharged 9 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Robert Hellewell, aged 37, p.pensioner; sick or hurt, ulcus; put on sick list, 29 February 1856, discharged 8 March 1856 to duty.
Folio 39: George Bray, aged 21, convict; sick or hurt, nyctalopia; put on sick list, 2 March 1856, discharged 28 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Robert Trett, aged 42, p.pensioner; sick or hurt, ulcus; put on sick list, 2 March 1856, discharged 18 March 1856 to duty.
Folio 39: Joseph Kelly, aged 45, p.pensioner; sick or hurt, otitis; put on sick list, 4 March 1856, discharged 9 March 1856 to duty.
Folio 39: William Rogers, aged 23, convict; sick or hurt, nyctalopia; put on sick list, 5 March 1856, discharged 20 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Henry Whitehead, aged 42, convict; sick or hurt, catarrhus; put on sick list, 6 March 1856, discharged 28 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: James Quinn, aged 24, convict; sick or hurt, catarrhus; put on sick list, 12 March 1856, discharged 1 April 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Alfred Blake, aged 22, convict; sick or hurt, catarrhus; put on sick list, 12 March 1856, discharged 17 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Charles Sloper, aged 26, convict; sick or hurt, contusion; put on sick list, 13 March 1856, discharged 16 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Robert Hellewell, aged 37, p.pensioner; sick or hurt, phlegmon; put on sick list, 14 March 1856, discharged 25 March 1856 to duty.
Folio 39: Joseph Cable, aged 41, p.pensioner; sick or hurt, rheumatism; put on sick list, 17 March 1856, discharged 18 March 1856 to duty.
Folio 39: Robert Allen, aged 25, convict; sick or hurt, rheumatism; put on sick list, 17 March 1856, discharged 22 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Richard Johnson, aged 34, convict; sick or hurt, rheumatism; put on sick list, 17 March 1856, discharged 20 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: John Kinghorn, aged 20, convict; sick or hurt, nyctalopia; put on sick list, 18 March 1856, discharged 25 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: Frank Travers, aged 26, convict; sick or hurt, nyctalopia; put on sick list, 19 March 1856, discharged 29 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: William Hawkins, aged 23, convict; sick or hurt, nyctalopia; put on sick list, 19 March 1856, discharged 29 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: George Norville, aged 27, convict; sick or hurt, nyctalopia; put on sick list, 25 March 1856, discharged 28 March 1856 cured.
Folio 39: John Saunders, aged 34, convict; sick or hurt, rheumatism; put on sick list, 28 March 1856, discharged 1 April 1856 cured.